Pop culture that is!
Thing the first, remember how I was planning to give American Idol another chance this season after having ditched it for the past two? Well, I'm still watching, and I've gotta tell you, I like it. I don't miss Simon at all. Some people are complaining that the judges are being too nice, which I do agree with to an extent, but surely I was not the only one who felt that frequently Simon was playing to the cameras with his snarkiness and assholery. Not all the time--he often had very valid critiques, but the past few seasons, it seemed like he was just phoning it in and playing a part. I am shocked that I'm enjoying Jennifer Lopez, whom I've never really cottoned to, and Steven Tyler is a hoot and a half. Randy is Randy, but even he seems re-energized by the overhauled judges panel.
As for the contestants, there's no one that I absolutely hate. I thought that the auditions focused more on the good to great singers than the jokers, which was refreshing. And in my opinion, everyone who is on that stage right now, deserves to be there. I do think that Pia and Stefano are beautiful voids of personality--they've got great voices but listening to them sing is equivalent to popping an Ambien. My favorites so far are Haley (love her bluesy growl), Paul (I want to hug him), Thia (I wish she'd step it up a notch in the performance department, but her voice is lovely), and Scotty (and I don't even like country music--please sing a Johnny Cash song!).
Are you watching? Who are your favorites?
And of course, the other upcoming pop culture moment that is on the minds of seemingly THE ENTIRE WORLD--the royal wedding. Can I be honest? I don't care that much about the wedding anymore. GASP! And I blame the media. Holy carp.
If I have to listen to one more psychic talking about whether Will and Kate's stars are aligned. What she wore yesterday in Dublin/Cornwall/Neptune. How she is the second coming of Diana. I am seriously going to go nuts. I like Kate--I think she's beautiful and I think it's fantastic that William is living in a century in which he can marry the woman he loves even though she's a commoner. (A bloody stinking rich commoner...) But for cripes sake, they're already rolling out a Lifetime Movie about the two of them! Can't we even wait until something actually dramatic happens?? But do you want to know a secret?
I still am convinced that if Wills ever met me, he'd throw that hottie over and live out the rest of his days pulling out what little hair that he has left in an agony of despair that I am already taken and not available to go live my life with him in his charming Irish village. Truth.
I have no idea who these American Idol contestants are. I lost interest after the auditions.
But the Royal Wedding...ah...I just want to see her dress! It better not be ugly. I love her style, so she better pull out a winner!
Posted by: A Super Girl | March 25, 2011 at 03:22 PM
I'm watching AI for the first time in a while too. Honestly, all the people you love I can't stand (and I'm sure vice versa!) I love James, Pia, Lauren and Jacob. As far as Will ... You can move on and start "Harry Hunting" which I learned about on the news this morning!
Posted by: Margot | March 25, 2011 at 05:26 PM
Oh yeah, I am dyyyyying to see her dress!
Posted by: Angela Noelle | March 25, 2011 at 05:35 PM
Harry Hunting!!! HA! I do think he ended up being the better looking of the two. Never saw that coming.
I forgot about Lauren--I actually do like her!
Posted by: Angela Noelle | March 25, 2011 at 05:37 PM
Haley and Paul. If I hear one more Pia ballad, I am going to turn the show off and never watch it again....not really but I totally fast forward through her. I love Jacob and Casey, too. And also, I like the judges, but if I Steven Tyler says "beautiful" one more time...I am going to boycott that word. Seriously.
Posted by: Kendra | March 25, 2011 at 08:57 PM
This is my first season EVER of not watching Idol. I remember the first season when the commercials looked so cheesy I couldn't even stand to watch them. Then I was channel surfing on the first night and got hooked. I called my friend Catherine from work, and we watched it together, laughing at the train wreck. We refused to speak of our "embarrassment" at work for fear of shame and reprisals. Then somebody finally admitted it and we realized every.single.one. of us had been watching it. I DVR'd this season, and then got so far behind I felt hopeless about catching up. I tried to hook back in when the top 24 were announced, but it didn't feel right to me not having seen it from the start. So I don't know who any of the people you love and or hate are. I am always in favor of some Johnny Cash, though.
Posted by: sophie | March 25, 2011 at 09:25 PM
I don't really watch AI anymore but my hubby loves it. I have to agree about the judges. Simon was just being mean. Not helpful, not constructive...mean.
Posted by: Dana K | March 25, 2011 at 10:37 PM
I hadn't watched AI in a few years but I started watching it at the gym and really have been enjoying this season. Some of the things Steven Tyler says are just ridiculously funny. Also as far as the royal wedding goes, I'm only interested in the dress.
Posted by: garden state prep | March 28, 2011 at 02:48 AM
Makes me want to give American Idol another try, but I'm worried about becoming addicted again.
Posted by: The Good Greatsby | April 06, 2011 at 08:49 AM