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February 07, 2011



Watch the beaver commercial! It was my favorite!

The Incubator

I'm positive The Old Warrior is booking my ticket for the April invasion:) My big seester is working on hers - so watch out for that positivity --

Heidi Renée

I haven't used a sewing machine since my 7th grade home ec class. I salute your domesticity!

Old Warrior

Seems a bit non-PC sexist on your part to have your first project be an apron vs. a business suit appropriate for the Board Room. However, it is in keeping with keeping the little woman in the kitchen, bare-foot, and pregnant.

Just can't see you barefoot, though.


i'm with you on being more positive this week. i feel like my car troubles just made me so negative, let's be positive together! woo!

Angela Noelle

I found one for Bridgestone with a beaver--that was pretty cute! I think my favorite one was the Darth Vader one. It made me laugh AND tear up!

Angela Noelle

Yaaaay! Can't wait! Do I get to know when you'll be here?

Angela Noelle

Haha! Yeah, it's still a bit daunting, but I'm getting there! I just want to be able to hem my pants and not have to shell out $15 bucks to a little Korean man to do it for me!

Angela Noelle

Hey, what can I say, I just do what the teacher tells me to. My parents brought me up to respect authority ;)

Angela Noelle

Yes! We can do it!


Love your attitude in this post! Woohoo!

Also, I see my BFF IRL just commented on this post and that makes me super happy too.

Nice job with the apron - I am impressed!


PS - Thank you so much for the kind words on my blog post - I really appreciate it! :)


I thought the game went great :) Thrilling and the correct outcome. ANd you're right, the halftime show was BEYOND painful. I hope someone got fired for that.

Kate P

Oooh, new sewing machine! Nice! I hear the newer ones are really great to work with.

That volunteer job sounds way cool.

Thoughts Appear

A tour guide? That sounds awesome!

Fraulein N

I thought it was hilarious that you "accidentally" minored in history before remembering, oh yeah, that's how I got that women's studies minor. Der. I gave up (for now) on the sewing thing last year, so I can't wait to see what you whip up.

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