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October 13, 2009



Amen. I just started my new job across the street from Saks Fifth Avenue. I tried on Louboutins for lunch today. There's a Macy's next door. I think it's for the homeless people??

Old Warrior

But, Alice didn't wear boots.

The Incubator

Between you and your shopping and Brittany and her cab driver I don't know if I will survive my latest decade.


You'd be great as Alice -- I was trying to convince another blonde friend of mine to be that this year as well. I was Little Red Riding Hood last year and kind of enjoyed that people coudl tell what I was, yet no one else was in that same outfit.


alice and mad hatter would be so cute! love it.


OMG that Alice dress is perfect! Great find. And those Louboutins are perfect. I saw that at Nordstrom and it was gorgeous in person. Salivate over them.


I love your shopping posts! It's funny because I was just looking at my boots yesterday and they are Soooo outdated now. I need to find something a little less clunky and more feminine. I don't know I could wear the tall boots you have, as I'm not that much of a trendy girl. But, I like the way the base of them look. I'll have to keep that style in mind when I look next week!


It's SOOO appropriate that I show up and it's a shopping post! I need to catch up on your move and other news! Was thinking about you and wanted to say hi. :)


Ok....I seriously Laughed out Loud at that last sentence!

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