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July 28, 2009



Oh my gosh, it all sounds like so much fun and the scenery is to die for! So glad you guys had a lovely weekend :)


Your pictures are fantastic! It looks like so much fun, and seven miles? Holy crap, you're awesome.


Hooray for the 3 weeks of weather up here that doesn't blow! And great pics btw!


oh your weekend just makes me happy and want to be outside like right this second. mmmlove it.


One of these days I'm going to have a weekend like that! Sounds strenuous but wonderful! And feel you about the open water thing. Scares me to death!


Oh man I'm going to a place like this next week and I cannot wait to hang out by the lake. Cannot wait!!


Nice pictures -- it's so hot here that I'm even tempted to get in one of the lakes :) That reminds me, I owe you an email!

Kate P

Looks like an awesome time with nature. Keep your eyes on the prize (Hawaii) and you'll do fine!


Long time no comment! I didn't even have your URL right any more.

Gorrrrgeous. I heard Seattle had the hottest weather on record - i.e. EVER - last week. Hard to believe there's snow on Mt. Ranier.

My brother's on Whidbey Island so the fam was up there last weekend and we went whale watching. I was ready for it to be lame but we saw orcas and I loved it.

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