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September 28, 2007



Oh... how I wish to sprint through... er... roam.. the halls of the Met again. I can definitely say that was one of the most fun things I have EVER done... I would do it again in a heartbeat.

And we know we won.

It was definitely our guy.

I want a mustang margarita.


Aww, look at Lucy, she was so cute!

And yes, the Met was amazinggg! It would not have made nearly as fun a story though if we did not get yelled out.

Oh man, I miss you girls!


that murder mystery sounds like so much fun! i love me some Clue :)

Fraulein N

The whole trip sounds like so much fun. I love that you used a restroom to ... y'know, REST.


That dog is so cute! Everyone thinks my silky terrier is a yorkie (or a large one).

I haven't heard of that mystery thing at The Met. I'll definitely have to do it, when I get back over there.


It's not the real thing, but you sure can't beat the price. :)

Cute little yorkie!

Princess extraoridinaire

What a blast - it sounds like such a femaile bonding experience and I'm all for shoe your other goodies as well...glad you had such fun!


Love the idea of the Mystery at the Met. I could certainly get into that. And I think that in a parallel universe, your guy really did the deed.


That puppy is delicious. I want one.


What a fun trip it looks like it!

Man I want to go to NYC right about now. Mustang Margaritas and all. :-)


I just got a free Tiffany's bracelet! Woo-hoo!
You're trip looks like so much fun. Can't say enough good things about NYC!

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