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January 03, 2006



Wow. That IS scary! Glad you came out of it unharmed!


Good grief! I'm so glad you weren't hurt. I have had some of those moments, and they do feel like they last hours!

Not the Boyfriend

Me: Cake please
You: Sorry we're all out of cake, we didn't think we'd have such a rush
Me: so my choices are "or death"?


So happy you're safe. That is truly terrifying!

Anonymous G


glad you're okay!



Oh my! That is so scary! Maybe you should take it in to have it looked at?

I'm so glad you are alright, and good luck with the new car search!


how frightening. Glad you're safe.

Michele sent me today.

Account Deleted

That is so scary! Glad you made it through okay.
When I was a little girl the same thing happened to my mother and when the car stopped, I sat there clapping my hands and singing, "Do it again Mommy!"
No wonder she calls me her troubled child!


My heart was racing, just reading this. I'm glad you're okay. I know what you mean about the gas mileage, but I went with a smaller SUV like yours just b/c I knew I needed the ability to get things that were larger than a sedan's trunk hole. Hope you had a great New Year's.

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